Taught by a Billionaire

Mastering Time Management and Manifestation for Entrepreneurial Success

Ferdinand Mehlinger Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to an enlightening conversation that promises to forever change your perception of time management as an entrepreneur! We're about to spill the beans on spotting time-suckers, creating the right energy environment for success, and deciphering disruptive energy. We'll give you an insider's take on understanding the differences of service industry and product industry and guide you on the path to maximize your profits.

Our lively discussion doesn't stop there. Let's face it, procrastination is every entrepreneur's Achilles heel. That's why we're giving you keys to kick it to the curb, gain control of your precious time, and achieve a work-life balance that's productive yet fulfilling. We'll help you recognize the worth of your skills and outline ways to spend your time that aligns with your professional goals. A journey into manifesting your desires starts with us. You'll learn how clarity in communicating your wants to the universe is the first step towards making them a reality.

We've all had those life-altering moments and today, we're sharing ours. Hear about a mentor's appreciation for abstaining from drinking at a dinner and the consequential profound life lesson it imparted. We don’t shy away from our mistakes either. Hear about the seven-figure loss that occurred from ignoring red flags and the arduous rebuild process that ensued. As we near the end, we shift gears to talk about a billionaire's life lessons and their impact, marking a journey towards abundance and personal growth. Let's go!

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Speaker 1:

You see other entrepreneurs on the internet living it up fancy cars, fancy houses, fancy vacations. How did they do it? Well, you're about to find out. This is taught by a billionaire. Being an entrepreneur or a business owner is fun. It's lucrative, but it takes hard work and tons of brains, and that's why we're here. We'll interview other entrepreneurs that have hit the millionaire status and teach up and coming entrepreneurs the steps you need to get to the next level. Welcome to the taught by a billionaire. Now your host for an end melanger what's happening.

Speaker 2:

Everybody, my name is for an end melanger and I am your host of taught by a billionaire's podcast. Today we're going to be talking about time management. I think that's very important, is one of the first lessons that I learned with my business mentor. It's extremely important on how you handle things when you're going about your business or when you're going about your business with partners, because if you're not handling your time wisely, people pretty much recognize that. So the first time management lesson that I kind of want to get into.

Speaker 2:

The first thing that I learned about time management was I went to a my business mentor. I had two handlers prior to him mentoring me, so my first meeting with him as my mentor, after going through the handlers, he sat me down and he looked dead in my eyes, very serious, and he said to me you know we both have 24 hours in the day. Why am I making so much more money than you? And you know, as a man, you it's that that's a hard question to answer. It's something that you have to try to think about, but it's really hard to think about on the spot because you got to put some thought into it. So, in all honesty, the way I answered it was. It was just an honest I don't know. I didn't know. And he looked right back at me and said you know, I tell you, I'll tell you why. Because your time management sucks. You're so focused on the service industry that you can't duplicate yourself. Didn't dawn on me. I didn't really understand what he was talking about. It was more I was kind of repairing my ego at that time, but later on it truly dawned on me what he was saying, which I'll be going over in these podcast episodes as we move on further. Each week I'll be doing a new one. So first one, I'm just gonna go through my notes, because I've been taking notes on time management as I started doing time management, what I do specifically now.

Speaker 2:

This isn't going to resonate with everyone. I can't say that it is. You know, after my mentor told me about my time management and how I handled it, I really had to go about things in a different manner. I had to look at how I was spending my time and who I was spending my time with. Right, because there's people out there that are time suckers. I'm sure you guys know about them, sure you guys have encountered them. They're the ones that come around and they take your time, and when you're done with them, you feel like you have spent all of your energy. It's like you have run a marathon and you're exhausted when you haven't done anything. Those types of people thank God I don't attract that energy around me anymore, but in your growth phase, when you're starting to grow as an entrepreneur, you go through these phases and you attract.

Speaker 2:

Before you learn how to manifest, you attract things to you, especially if you have a positive energy source, if you have, if you have, if you're good, if you have a good heart, if you are focused on God, if you, if you're looking at the better things in the world and you're trying to better the world, a lot of that time, that's an attractive energy to come towards. What happens, though, is what I found is when you mix your energy, say it's like positive energy is what you've got, and then you've got someone that comes to you that has that vibrational disruption I guess you could call it. Your inside will tell you your intuition is is going to, it's going to go off. Those are messages that you need to listen to. I cannot stress this enough. When you're building and you get that feeling, when you that red flag goes up or your internal vibration starts pulsating at a rate that doesn't feel comfortable or that is almost like a warning. You need to pay attention to that, because what's going to happen is you're going to invite that specific energy that's not matched for you and you're going to invite them in, and what's going to happen is going to disrupt everything, literally disrupt everything. It's a wave that goes through. So you've got to be careful of that when you're building, especially if you attract certain type of people you've.

Speaker 2:

You need to make sure you tell the universe I don't want these people around me. These are the type of people that I do want coming near me and put a block up around you. If you are sensing that there is some type of disruptive energy that's around you, just block, block it out. You have to do that as an entrepreneur. It's just kind of like if you don't want to deal with a certain person, let's say at a grocery store, kind of block them out, right. Or if they're being weird or some weird you know some crazies out there you block them out. So one thing that was very clear to me when I was, you know, after he told me about my time management and getting it right, and as I started growing with him and learning how to manage my time in a much, much wiser way, you start to realize that the time that you're spending during the day.

Speaker 2:

So let me just use this for an example. Maybe some of you right now are entrepreneurs that have some type of a service industry. You provide a service to somebody and there's a cost, of course, associated with that service. I'm going to use because I have a background in digital marketing and SEO and AI and that sort of thing algorithms. I'm going to just use an example and let's just say, a digital digital marketing agency. Let's just say you are a digital marketing agency. That's what you have.

Speaker 2:

Now let's look at your day. What are you doing with your day? Who you spending your time with on the phone? Is it the local dentist that you're trying to get them in the GMB local pack and try to get them into the top three? This is what I used to coin. Is my kind of client acquisition ratio. What? What type of client are you targeting? Or partner are you targeting for their revenue share that's coming in, that you're going to have a piece of.

Speaker 2:

So let's say you have that digital marketing agency and you're focused on that dentist, that you're your max, that you can probably charge with a dentist, that I would say. Let's just say you know, it's like maybe thirty five hundred dollars a month, forty five hundred dollars a month, maybe I don't know, whatever, yeah, something, if that's what you're offering, so you've got that now. Yeah, okay, watch out that same amount of time. Right, it's the same amount of time. You're not getting one hour that's going to be different than another hour. You're using that same time of the day. So if you're focusing on that dentist and trying to get them into the GMB pack for that $4,500, there's another client out there, that or person or a partner out there that's looking for the services that you offer, let's say, as a digital marketing agency. That has a much higher budget and is probably an easier target within their niche. It's just they have a much higher ticket, so if their ticket is higher.

Speaker 2:

I will use luxury real estate as an example, because that's how I grew my wealth when I was targeting, let's say, the dentist for that amount of $4,500,. I started now focusing more within a luxury area to where now, when my clients were selling a $36 million home. My cost made a hell of a lot more sense and it was easier. It was easier to swallow. They went to bed at night happy. They weren't worried about spending $50,000, $60,000, whatever your cost may be. They were not worried about spending that. It just made sense.

Speaker 2:

Now that brings me into another aspect with your time and how you're spending it. What are you recognizing about yourself? Okay, so my goal with this podcast? When I conjure up my imagination about how I see this podcast going on, I envision that I have listeners such as yourself or yourselves that have some kind of idiosyncratic value to them. Everybody does. I am no different than anybody else, but I have different idiosyncratic values about me. I'm a human being like anybody else, but there are some certain specialties about me that I have to offer.

Speaker 2:

What I started to learn within my manifestation process with this whole time management, what I was doing with my time is that if your idiosyncratic value my listeners each one of you has one the minute that you learn how to hone in on that idiosyncratic value to a customer or client or partner, how you can now use that talent, that idiosyncratic value, to help answer a question, to help solve a problem to help make someone's world easier, if you may. The minute that you figure out what that is that you have about you, that's when your world is going to open up. That's when you're going to see kind of the sees part for whatever you want. I don't know how it works, I just know that it works. I've done it many times over and over and over and over and over and over again and it works.

Speaker 2:

You cannot, as an entrepreneur, go into a growth trajectory thinking that you're going to get to this higher level and earn all this amount of money if you're not solving a problem for somebody, if you're not answering a question that is seriously has never been answered before. Now you come through with this. This isn't impossible, it's not difficult, it's not hard. It's just something that lies within you, that you have, that you have to recognize that other people they recognize as a value, until you find that you're really going to be running in this cyclical circle of trying to figure out what you have to offer. It's a frustrating cycle. I've been there.

Speaker 2:

I think my business mentor really validated everything for me because I knew I had something. Maybe, like some of you do, you know there's something there. People say, oh my gosh, you're so good at this, or you've always done this, or ever since you've been a kid you've been able to do whatever. That special talent. You have to find that within yourself. What do you have? Maybe you're a great artist and you can pay attention to detail and you could paint nails, but you wouldn't leave it at painting nails, at least in my world. Then I would start making little. Productize that because, again, this was my lesson on products. You now have a product that you can sell every hour of the day. You're selling while you're sleeping. When you have a service industry, you've got to go to bed. It's only you. You can't duplicate, like my mentor was telling me. I can't duplicate myself. There was no way for me to duplicate myself. I had to systemize a process and then turn that into a product, which took time.

Speaker 2:

Once you realize what you have to offer, that's going to be a massive day that changes your life and will help change other people's lives too, because you're going to be helping them solve that problem. One thing that I do want to mention to with this whole episode about time management is when you're building and you've got things going on, there's going to be a lot of side tasks, I guess you could say and procrastination will set in. It will set in, I can guarantee you 100%, it will set in. So what you need to realize is this procrastination is a they're a renter in your mind, in your mental capacity, of what you think about from day to day.

Speaker 2:

Procrastination is going to take up some real estate if you don't get those things done. Because what happens is you may have something that you needed to get done two, three months ago, that you just put off, you put off, you put off, but it's still renting this space in your head. It's still sitting there and telling you oh Ferdinand, you got to get this done, I got to get this done. I've been pushing this off. I'll get it done tomorrow, I'll get to it next week. Let me wait till I get this. There's going to be this procrastination that's going to rent space in your mind and what happens is you start to deteriorate with your deteriorate with your effectiveness because you've got that space that's already tied down, that's already occupied. You want to make sure that you take care of those procrastinations.

Speaker 1:

It's a battle, it's a battle.

Speaker 2:

You're going to be fighting it, but you got to take care of it if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. Now, when you do this and you take care of that whole, let's say, this procrastination monster that's coming at you, that's telling you that you can't do this, or you're going to wait and do this, or let's not do that. It's going to be easier to just sit back and relax that monster. The minute you control that, what's going to happen is you're going to see that your stress level starts to come down and this helps to go into this whole work life balance and you can balance things in a whole different area. It's almost like this growth spurt that you'll get when you start taking these things out one by one. But it really starts with understanding the capability of what you have to offer, because when you know that, and then you know how to spend your time, who to spend your time with, let's say that. Let me give you another example here. Let's say that you make the best ice cream in the world. You just make the best ice cream. You know how to make it light and taste great and see everybody when they put it in their mouth. It's just one of those. It's an experience.

Speaker 2:

Now, would you go and spend your time trying to sell that to lactose intolerant customers? Really wouldn't work for you. So it's all about how you spend your time, and not only that. Let's say you're spending your time Now, where are you spending it at? Right, right. So are you spending it on small money? And if this is your goal, that I'm not going to hate on anybody here. If that's your goal to make a smaller amount because of course there is more money, more problems that's honestly got true statement. But if you're trying to make a smaller amount of money, hey, I'm not going to hate on that, that's fine. But you got to remember what you ask for and what you put out there, what you want. So what you're saying in your head out there wow, this is what I have to offer, this is my specialty, this is my idiosyncratic value that I'm going to push out there, what now is going to be your worth, that you're telling the universe, what's your value, that you have told the universe for your time, for your special skill that you have. And I think people get really mixed up with this whole. What you want, what you're putting out there. I think people limit themselves.

Speaker 2:

I knew my number when I was nine years old. I knew what I want. I knew a number. It sounded crazy. It sounded crazy. Nobody I knew had those numbers. But I knew in my head that's what I was shooting for.

Speaker 2:

And you've got to tell the universe. You know, I have some friends that they'll go and they'll. It's the asking. Oh, I go in my room and I pray and I'm asking for this to happen. I'm asking Personally. That's fine and, danny, great, you can ask for everything you want, but it's not going to work.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't work that way in the universe. It's not how it works. It's not how it works. The way it works is you claim it. You've got to claim it. If you know something is meant for you, you've got to claim it. How else are you going to get it? You can't go out there and ask that doesn't work. You've got to tell the universe this is mine. You've got to know what it smells like. You've got to know what it tastes like. You've got to know what it feels like. You've got to know what the experience is like.

Speaker 2:

Every single aspect of what you want, the number, the specific number. You can't say you want $100 million. Is that it Just $100 million? What do you want that money to be loaded in? Is it going to be a Chase account? Is it going to be a Bank of America account? Is it going to be a business checking? Is it going to be a personal checking? Is it going to come in from a dividend? Is it going to be coming in from a lot of, let's say, subscriptions that you're selling?

Speaker 2:

You have got to get specific with what you want in this world or you will never get anything. I cannot stress that enough. I have been through this so many times that when I was not specific, I got the runoff because the universe didn't know what to give me. The minute I got specific and the minute I started saying this is mine, that's mine. I got that, that's mine. I know that that's mine. It opened up, it was no different. The same amount of time that's what I'm telling, I'm trying to tell you guys. It's the same amount of time. Same amount of time that you're going to put into something that you say, oh, let me go meditate for a bit to get over this situation that made me angry. That same amount of time can be focused on getting to another level. You've got to just focus on it and tell the universe what you want.

Speaker 2:

I know it may sound all crazy and this and that, and people are like, yeah, yeah, I've tried that. Maybe you have tried it, maybe I don't know, because I don't know what you've tried. I know that I'm not anybody special. I know that I have a past, that a lot of people doubted me that I'd even get to certain levels that I've gotten to. They never even thought they wished I wouldn't get to these certain levels. But that fueled me. That gave me everything I needed to get to where I'm at today, loved it. It gave me that fire. But I knew what my ability was. I knew what the universe had to offer and I knew that I had to claim it. I stopped asking for stuff, probably in my 20s I'm almost 50. I started, I stopped and I started claiming, claiming numbers, writing them down, making it manifest, come into fruition. But I will tell you that it has worked for me 100% of the time. It has worked for me.

Speaker 2:

One thing I want to go into now just a bit is when you make your mistakes with time management, because that's going to happen. It's going to happen. I've made plenty of mistakes, numerous mistakes. You just have to reanalyze what they are and change. So when I was being mentored, one key rule that we had within our organization my mentor's organization, because I became a partner with them later on with the smell neutralization product that we had that we kind of scaled out. But one thing that I realized is they went by a set of rules that never got broken, because if they got broken it messed up everything.

Speaker 2:

So when I sat down with my mentor for the first time when I was at a dinner, when we could go to a dinner, he took me to a capital grill in Costa Mesa and we were just sitting there, we were just kind of talking, shooting the shit. Right before we were going to have some dinner, the waiter comes over and asked if you want anything to drink and all that. I just don't drink. That's never been my thing, I don't drink. So I didn't know that I was being watched or how I handled things was being kind of observed. I didn't know this, since I was just there for dinner. I thought so we go to the dinner. This is the dinner that I actually begged him to teach me what he knew.

Speaker 2:

And then, about two weeks later, we were in a discussion and he was telling me he goes. I just wanted to thank you. When we were at dinner the other night and I was like, okay, thank me for what. He was like, I just want to thank you for not drinking. And I was like, okay, I just, you know, I don't drink, that's not my thing. And he said, well, that's good.

Speaker 2:

Now I want you guys to listen to this. This is an interesting fact here. This is how these billionaires mold their lives and how they look at things. Now just listen to these words, because this hit me heavy. It's really hit me heavy. He said if you would have been drinking that night when we had dinner, I would have got up and walked. He goes I need you here and when you're drinking, you're not here.

Speaker 2:

Think about that. I want you to think about that for a minute, because I've been at tables before negotiations were being made and because people were drinking, things got out of hand and things didn't get done, or someone thought that they didn't say something that they did. That's not good in an entrepreneurial world, especially when contracts are on the line and there is money that's supposed to be made and things were taken out of context because of some alcohol. Not only that. I just want you all to think you really only get one chance to make a first impression, right? If you're building your wealth, do you want I'm thinking of it in my situation if you're sitting across from somebody that's got more than you, that has more than you, that you admire, that you would like to learn from, do you want to show that person that the minute you sit down and you have some free time and it's kind of like let's take off the jacket and let's chew the fat a little bit, do you want them to see that going for alcohol is what helps you kind of release everything? I'm sorry that just does In my world. I don't like that because of what he said. When you do that, when you drink, you're not here. You're not here, you're out there. Everybody knows what it's like when you drink.

Speaker 2:

That was a very, very, very important lesson. Now, did I listen to that One instance? No, I did not. I did not. I got involved with a group because I thought they were cool. I liked them. It's stupid shit, man. You just don't do that. Just because someone's cool or you like them or whatever. That doesn't mean you need to do business with them.

Speaker 2:

I learned my lesson the hard way, a really hard lesson, the hard way, which I'll go into in another episode because it's a long story, but it was a seven-figure loss. What I learned in that time was everything that my mentor was telling me, everything that I had learned. Those red flags and the little things that he was telling me were exactly what this guy was doing. We'd go out, we'd meet and he'd throw back some Patron. That was his thing. I loved his Patron, this and that it was all the time. It was always drinking, it was always drinking. And I got to tell you that relationship and that time that I spent, that time management that I spent.

Speaker 2:

I failed miserably. In that Miserably, I failed myself. Number one all that work that I had done, everything that I had learned, everything that I had gone through learning, begging to learn, and then, because I thought someone was cooler, I wanted to be around them, I decided to throw that away or just push it to the side. Number one mistake. Number two mistake you see that red flag come up. You're going to see it. You're going to see it in your entrepreneur game and as you build your wealth and as you build your portfolio, you are going to see the flags come up. You're going to see them. Whether you ignore them or whether you do something about them is going to determine the outcome of that situation.

Speaker 2:

My outcome was bad. I lost everything. I lost everything House, cars, everything we had gone lost because of bad decision making process. I can remember, I remember. I don't forget. Those are moments that you go through that you don't forget. You want to keep them easily accessible because it's painful when you go through them, extremely painful. I hurt my family, I hurt my son, I hurt my parents. I hurt so many people going through that with not like you did anything physically to them. That's not what I'm talking about, but the disappointment, the you know.

Speaker 2:

I had to ask to borrow money to get back up on my feet and we had to move and all that craziness, and you know it's a very difficult thing to go through and the rebuilding process was extremely hard. My wife tells me, for 90 days 90 days I didn't talk to her. Now, I don't remember this, no clue. Don't remember. I just remember I had to rebuild. I had to take one step in front of the other and I had to get out of this mopey feeling and I had to do what I had to do to get back to where I was, and it sucked. However, I got it done. So it can be done. And when I got back, everything changed. Everything changed because then you see what you can handle and nothing scares you after that. No loss scares you. However, I did diversify a lot after that. I diversified like crazy after that because I remember one thing that my mentor said.

Speaker 2:

I do remember when he said to me, when he said, when he was telling me he goes, you know, you're so focused on the service industry, you can't duplicate yourself. He says I have 2000,. He says I have over 2000 products. If one of these products fails I can wipe my ass with it because I have the other to fall back on. Exact words, and it's very, very true. And that whole conversation. That didn't dawn on me until four years later. Right, I didn't understand what that meant.

Speaker 2:

One day, I remember. I remember one day that I was sitting there and it hit. It was like this like the light bulb went off and I was like that's what he was talking about. That's, he was talking about products. I need products. Little did I. Okay, so this is how. So when you're starting to manage your time and you're starting to realize what time is and how to take advantage of it and how to manifest things and how to have things kind of go your way, this is how kind of blind I was to how things were going on. I had a product with my business mentor. When we became partners it was about a year, 18 months afterwards we partnered on a smell neutralization product and we scaled that out across the board and did some relationships and contracts with some cannabis nutrient companies, so anyhow, and put it into things for like Patriot Packs and for veterans and all.

Speaker 2:

We did a lot of things with it. So I had at that time one, two, three. I had four different products One, two, three. I had four different products. At that time, when he had just told me about product industry G'dayla Service and product industry he had just said that maybe six months to a year prior and it still wasn't clicking. I'm going through all the contracts and we're meeting with, like gosh, what's that place called in the mall that Spencer's? And there was another one that we were meeting with to get shelf space for the bottles.

Speaker 2:

I'm sitting there that whole time, that whole think about it. Now it's like my gosh, are you kidding me? That whole time I had those products and I didn't know what I had. It had no clue. It didn't dawn on me to like I said four or five years later and I'm sitting there and I'm like, oh, my gosh, my partner, because I have another partner, I have many partners, but one of my main partners that I pretty much do everything with. I looked at it and I'm like dude, we got like 300 products. We didn't even we're not even real when it dawned, it clicked and then next thing, you know, it was like the C parted and like I don't know how to explain this but the minute that you experience it, it's almost like it's like the weight gets lifted off your shoulders. You see the colors, the colors that you are looking at like when you go outside. They're brighter and they're more vibrant. I don't know how to explain this. It's. They're vibrant.

Speaker 2:

When you put your mind to something, to do something, and it's got that intent behind it, it happens. It doesn't. Now don't think that there's some magic bean that you plant into the ground. You got some bean stock that goes all the way and you climb it and magically you've got like leprechauns and gold. It's not like that. Things come together and the energy that you, like we were I was talking about earlier your energetic field, when it's a good, positive energetic field, you're giving back, you're doing things for people. You're actually. You know you're. You're a good soul. Other good souls will find you and there's crap loads of money out there. All we want to do is get with other like-minded souls so that we can change the world. If I can make some of you rich with this podcast, my God. Let's join forces and change the world, because we have the money to do it. Why wouldn't? I want to share this knowledge with you guys. It's easy when you figure it out. It's amazing when you figure it out.

Speaker 2:

My life is wonderful. Everything seems like it's just like whatever you want you get. I keep telling my wife you know that CERN thing. When that turned, I think at least in my world, it went into the world of just. It was abundance of everything, everything, share. To that now let me say she coins it to like all the work that I was doing came together and it came to fruition and it happened. I don't think that's what happened. There was a massive shift and I was. I know because I was in it, I was doing it, I was building and I know from when things happen.

Speaker 2:

When you're building, things don't happen that fast. Some things can Don't get me wrong Some things can happen fast. It's not that rare, but some things can happen fast. But you got to remember there's a lot of things that go into you know, when you're doing large transactions, there's a lot that goes into it. It's not like you just are like, hey, you get an email and all of a sudden your life changed. No, you've got attorneys, you've got CPA. Like things change. You've got managers at the bank, where you've got to change accounts and you've got to get corporations and you've got to get trust. All of these things change because tax brackets change. So it doesn't come fast. That's all I'm trying to say. It doesn't happen fast.

Speaker 2:

The minute that CERN happened, shit just popped. I'm not. I don't know what the hell happened, but everything in our world just went like abundance just flowed in on every single avenue. It was crazy, and it still is. It still is. It's the most amazing feeling and that's what I want to share because, again, I am nobody different. I'm no different than anybody here.

Speaker 2:

My goal is to try to teach this to you and again, I'm not for everybody. I'm not for everybody. There may be some people out there that think I'm a kook. I don't know, I have no idea. But if I do resonate with you and my vibration, if my vibration resonates with yours, I would love to do what I can from what I've learned to help you get to that next level. If listening to me and hearing some of the things that I've gone through help you and your journey, by all means that is more than enough for me, because I know in my journey it was hard, it was difficult.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I did have a mentor, but my mentor was very harsh. It wasn't fun. I did not have a good time when I was learning. I did not have a good time. It was a lot of pain. It was a lot of personal growth. It was a lot of stretching. It was a lot of learning and understanding without getting the correct information, other than when I'd fall because they were there to help pick me up. It wasn't fun and I wasn't earning. It was not like I got my mentor and I was earning a bunch of money. That wasn't how it worked.

Speaker 2:

I just want to be there for the listeners that are looking for a regular guy that used secrets that I learned from a billionaire to change my life and change my family's life and change my son's life, because before this, I had no clue about generational wealth. I had no clue. Four weeks ago, I signed a contract that just actually added more to generational wealth to not my son and not my son's son, but to his son's son. It goes that deep because when you start dealing with wealth, you're going to meet people that are so smart that they think about generations down the line and they know certain numbers or they know how much you're going to need for that generation security. Very interesting people, amazing people that you're going to meet because you grow and you learn, and some of these things I never knew. We were even out there until I experienced them with these people. So that's my goal is to try to share all of that with you.

Speaker 2:

Each week I'm going to try to do a new episode Again. I hope that I'm bringing value to you guys. I'm going to try to make them short. I don't want to take up too much of your guys' time, hence this was a time management podcast. So at that, I think that's what I'm going to just close with. I appreciate everyone for listening. I really do Tune in next week. Every show is going to get better and better. Appreciate you guys being here. Have a wonderful day and go make shit happen. Go make it happen.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to Talk by a Billionaire. Ferdinand's business mentor was an ex-Navy Seal and a multi-billionaire. Having met at a dinner a few years later, ferdinand was his partner in his proxy in board meetings, so he's learned from the best. We hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, make sure to like, rate and review. We'll be back soon, but in the meantime, find us on TikTok and YouTube at taught underscore by underscore, a underscore billionaire. On LinkedIn at Ferdinand Melanger, and for questions and comments, send an email to FM at taughtbyabillionairecom. See you next time.